Friday, February 14, 2014

When I Was Puerto Rican Test

The test will be next Thursday, February 20th.

Claroscuro to Mami Gets a Job

Characters analysis
Reading Comprehension
Social Cultural Themes

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Chapter Presentations

You can access my Dropbox folder where all the chapter presentations are located. Click on the link below to be able to review for the test. J

Sunday, February 2, 2014

When I Was Puerto Rican Mini Portfolio

I will be updating this post with the material that will be included in the portfolio you will be preparing during the reading of this novel. This information will be for all the 11th grade students.  If you have any doubts regarding this portfolio or any of the assignments, please make sure to ask for help ASAP. Do not wait to the last day to tell me you do not know what to do. 
The portfolio will be handed in on the day of the second test.

Portfolio Contents:

Cover sheet             5 points
               Department of Education of Puerto Rico
       Regional Bilingual School Sergio Ramirez de Arellano
                          School District of Aguadilla

                       When I Was Puerto Rican Portfolio

                         Illustration, clipart, collage,..... goes here
                The illustration should reflect the portfolio content.

                                         Your name
                                         Group 11- __
                                    Mrs. Janet Nieves
                             Date:                        ,2014

Art work  5 points
You will have the task of drawing a self-portrait. The title of this art work is "I am a Jibaro(a)".The portrait will display your upper body section (chest to head). Make sure to add any element (such as a flower, machete, straw hat, etc...) to the art that will show you as a Jibaro(a). the portrait should take up almost all of the paper. 
white letter-size paper
paint, crayons, colored pencils, pastel, etc. 
you can add fabric or any type of material if you want to make it with different textures. 
If you have any doubts please let me know ASAP.

***I have examples in the classroom***

What does it mean do be "Puerto Rican 5 points

You will write your personal opinion. At least 65 to 70 words.

What is a "Jibaro"? 5 points

You will write your personal opinion. At least 65 to 70 words.

Assignments and Class Activities (Divider sheet) 5 points
You will place a clip art or draw a picture that is related to the culture or theme of the jibaro or Puerto Rican.

Figurative Language in "Claroscuro"  5 points


Reminder: This assignment will be handed in on Friday, February 14.

Jibaro Themes 5 points

Reminder: This assignment will be handed in on Friday, February 14.

Instructions:  on a separate piece of paper write a paragraph about 3 of the 6 topics explaining how it relates to Negi and the jibaro culture, which she experiences in Chapter 1.  Each paragraph should be at least 4 to 6 sentences.

  1. The need to be accepted and respect by society
  2. The value of self-respect and respect for one´s circumstances in life.
  3. The need for pride, regardless of social status.
  4. The need to love and be loved by others.
  5. The value of responsibilities of each member of the family.
  6. The value of respecting and appreciating the beauty, sensuality, and power of nature..

A Brief History of Puerto Rico´s Relationship with the United States
This is a worksheet. I will scan and post it soon. 

Poetry   divider sheet 5 points

You will place a clip art or draw a picture that is related to the culture or theme of the jibaro or Puerto Rican.

Bio Poem5 points
You will select one of the main characters and create a bio poem following the format provided by the teacher.

Bio Poem Format:
Line 1:  Write the character´s first name
Line 2:  Write 4 descriptive states
Line 3:  Sibling of ...
Line 4:  Lover of ... (ideas)
Line 5:  Who feels...
Line 6:  Who needs ...
Line 7:  Who gives ...
Line 8:  Who fears ...
Line 9:  Who would like to see...
Line 10: Resident of (city)
Line 11: Last name or nick name

Athletic, creative, happy, friendly
Brother of  Santiago, Diego y Florencio 
Long Boarding, helping others, chocolate
Good when he helps someone who is in great need
To study hard to get good grades
Moral support, forgiveness, friendship
Bad grades and ghosts
The end of the rainbow  

Diamond Poem5 points
This poem will be about Ramona. The format will be provided later on.

Diamond Poem Format:

Line 1:   Write Ramona
Line 2:   Write 2 adjectives that describe her.
Line 3:   Write 3 actions that you associate with her.
Line 4:   Write 4 nouns that you associate with her.
Line 5:   Write 3 verbs that indicate there is a change taking                 place in her. (Do not use the same verbs in line 3.)
Line 6:   Write 2 adjectives that describe the subject now that              it has changed.
Line 7:   Write her nickname 

                                Sad, anguished
                      Crying, bombarding, killing
                   Blood, agony,death, annihilation
                        Kissing, loving, hugging
                                 Calm, faithful

My ArtWork divider sheet 5 points
You will have different activities where you will be creating pieces of ART.

"My Favorite Puerto Rican food" 5 points

"My Favorite Part of the Novel" This piece will be selected based on what part was enlightening. 5 points

"What I Want to be when I Grow up" 5 points

Closing Activitiesdivider sheet 5 points
In this section you will place a copy of your closing activity. If you did not make hand outs, write the instructions and provide the result of your activity. 


Instructions: Write your opinion about the role of men in the jibaro society during the 1950´s.

I believe that the role of a man in the jibaro ...